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Unified Communications

Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS): Revolutionizing Business Communication

Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS): Revolutionizing Business Communication

Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS): Revolutionizing Business Communication

voip school university

Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) has emerged as a game-changer, bringing together various communication channels into a seamless and integrated platform. This cloud-based solution enhances collaboration by combining voice, video, messaging, and other communication tools, streamlining workflows for increased productivity and efficiency.

The Crucial Role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platforms

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms are the backbone of effective customer interactions, providing a centralized hub for managing relationships, sales, and customer data. Integrating UCaaS with CRM platforms takes communication to the next level by embedding collaboration tools directly into the CRM interface. This integration empowers teams to communicate effortlessly while accessing essential customer information in real-time.

Boosting Efficiency with Real-Time Data Synchronization

One of the key benefits of UCaaS and CRM integration is real-time data synchronization. When communication tools are seamlessly embedded within the CRM platform, teams can access up-to-date customer information while communicating with colleagues or clients. This not only reduces the risk of data discrepancies but also enhances decision-making processes with the most current insights.

Enhanced Customer Experience and Satisfaction

By integrating UCaaS with CRM platforms, businesses can provide a more personalized and efficient customer experience. Agents can access customer records, purchase history, and communication logs instantly, allowing for informed and tailored interactions. This level of connectivity fosters stronger relationships, improves response times, and ultimately contributes to higher customer satisfaction.

The integration of UCaaS with CRM platforms represents a transformative step in modern business communication. This seamless collaboration not only enhances internal workflows but also elevates customer interactions, making it a strategic investment for organizations aiming to stay agile and responsive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Unified Communications

How UCaaS Transforms the Healthcare Industry

How UCaaS Transforms the Healthcare Industry

How UCaaS Transforms the Healthcare Industry

nurse doctor medical ucaas

The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital revolution, and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is playing a pivotal role in reshaping how healthcare professionals collaborate, communicate, and deliver patient care. UCaaS is a cloud-based communication solution that integrates various communication tools into a unified platform, providing a seamless and efficient way for healthcare organizations to operate.

Enhanced Collaboration: Breaking Down Silos

UCaaS brings together voice, video, messaging, and data sharing capabilities, enabling healthcare teams to communicate in real-time regardless of their physical location. This seamless collaboration enhances interdisciplinary cooperation among doctors, nurses, specialists, and administrative staff, leading to faster decision-making and improved patient outcomes.

Telehealth Transformation: Remote Patient Care

Telehealth has gained prominence, especially in light of recent global events. UCaaS supports telehealth initiatives by offering secure video conferencing and virtual consultation capabilities. Healthcare providers can connect with patients remotely, offering medical advice, conducting follow-up appointments, and monitoring chronic conditions without requiring in-person visits.

Streamlined Operations: Efficient Workflows

UCaaS streamlines administrative tasks and reduces communication bottlenecks. Centralized communication platforms enable easy appointment scheduling, prescription management, and access to electronic health records. This leads to smoother workflows, minimizing errors, and freeing up staff time to focus on patient care.

Secure Communications: HIPAA Compliance

Security is paramount in healthcare. UCaaS providers prioritize data protection and offer solutions that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This ensures that patient information shared through the platform is safeguarded, maintaining patient privacy and compliance with regulations.

On-the-Go Connectivity: Mobile Integration

Healthcare professionals often need to be on the move. UCaaS offers mobile integration, allowing doctors and nurses to access communication tools on their smartphones or tablets. This flexibility ensures they can stay connected and make informed decisions even when away from their desks.


In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, UCaaS is a transformative technology that empowers healthcare organizations to deliver efficient, patient-centric care. By breaking down communication barriers, enabling remote patient interactions, and ensuring data security, UCaaS is not just changing the way healthcare operates – it’s improving the quality of care patients receive.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Unified Communications VoIP

Exploring the Benefits of UCaaS Integrations with Productivity Tools

Exploring the Benefits of UCaaS Integrations with Productivity Tools

Exploring the Benefits of UCaaS Integrations with Productivity Tools

voip phone service

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, seamless communication and collaboration are essential for success. Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) has emerged as a powerful solution that combines various communication tools into a single, integrated platform. When integrated with productivity tools, UCaaS offers a host of benefits that can significantly enhance efficiency and streamline workflows. Let’s delve into the advantages of integrating UCaaS with productivity tools and how it can revolutionize the way teams work together.

Enhanced Communication Efficiency: One Platform, Many Tools 

UCaaS integration brings together tools such as instant messaging, video conferencing, voice calls, and email into a unified platform. This integration eliminates the need to switch between different apps, allowing employees to communicate seamlessly and collaborate effortlessly.

Real-Time Collaboration: Breaking Down Barriers 

Integrating UCaaS with productivity tools enables real-time collaboration regardless of geographic locations. With features like screen sharing and document co-editing, teams can work on projects simultaneously, fostering innovation and speeding up decision-making.

Centralized Information: Access Anytime, Anywhere 

Productivity tools integrated with UCaaS provide a central repository for documents, files, and project-related information. This accessibility ensures that team members can access the resources they need, even when working remotely or on different devices.

Efficient Project Management: Streamlined Workflows 

UCaaS integrations enable tighter alignment between communication and project management. Teams can create tasks, set deadlines, and track progress within the same platform where they communicate, reducing the need to toggle between different apps.

Improved Customer Interactions: Seamless Support 

Integrating UCaaS with customer relationship management (CRM) tools allows for smoother interactions with clients. Customer support teams can access client information and communication history in real-time, enhancing the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

Analytics and Insights: Informed Decision-Making 

UCaaS integrations often provide analytics and reporting features. These insights offer valuable data on communication patterns, collaboration effectiveness, and project progress, empowering leaders to make informed decisions and optimize workflows.

The integration of UCaaS with productivity tools has the potential to revolutionize how businesses communicate and collaborate. With enhanced communication efficiency, real-time collaboration, centralized information, efficient project management, improved customer interactions, and data-driven insights, the combined power of UCaaS and productivity tools creates a dynamic environment where teams can work more effectively and achieve greater outcomes. By embracing these integrations, organizations can unlock new levels of productivity and drive innovation in their operations.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Envoi Services Unified Communications

Best Practices for Streamlining and Implementing UCaaS Services

Best Practices for Streamlining and Implementing UCaaS Services

Best Practices for Streamlining and Implementing UCaaS Services

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) has revolutionized the way businesses communicate and collaborate. Implementing UCaaS can bring numerous benefits, such as enhanced productivity, cost savings, and seamless connectivity. Let’s explore the best practices for implementing UCaaS, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the value of this powerful communication solution.

Conduct a Thorough Needs Assessment

Before implementing UCaaS, assess your organization’s communication needs, workflows, and goals. Identify pain points and areas for improvement to tailor the UCaaS solution to your specific requirements.

Choose the Right UCaaS Provider

Selecting the right UCaaS provider is crucial for successful implementation. Consider factors such as reliability, scalability, security, and the provider’s track record. Evaluate their features, integrations, and customer support to ensure a seamless experience.

Plan for Network Readiness

Assess your network infrastructure to ensure it can handle the demands of UCaaS. Evaluate bandwidth, network security, and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Address any potential network issues before implementation to ensure optimal performance.

Develop a Comprehensive Implementation Strategy

Create a detailed plan for UCaaS implementation, including timelines, milestones, and responsibilities. Consider factors such as training, data migration, integration with existing systems, and user adoption to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition.

Provide Adequate Training and Support

Educate employees on the features and benefits of UCaaS to drive user adoption. Offer comprehensive training sessions and resources to help employees make the most of the new communication tools. Provide ongoing support to address any questions or concerns.


Ensure Security and Compliance

Prioritize security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Implement encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security updates to safeguard communication and collaboration channels.

Monitor and Measure Performance

Continuously monitor the performance of your UCaaS solution to identify areas for improvement. Track metrics such as call quality, uptime, and user satisfaction. Regularly review and optimize your UCaaS implementation to maximize its benefits.

Implementing UCaaS can significantly enhance communication and collaboration within your organization. By conducting a thorough needs assessment, choosing the right provider, planning for network readiness, developing a comprehensive implementation strategy, providing adequate training and support, ensuring security and compliance, and monitoring performance, you can streamline communication processes and unlock the full potential of UCaaS. Embrace the power of unified communications and experience the transformative impact it can have on your business.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Envoi Telephone Uncategorized Unified Communications

Testing About VOIP

Every time you receive a call at your organization, it is critical to convey a professional image. With your auto-attendant, you also have a wonderful opportunity to let callers know more about what you do and the services you provide.

Make the right impression during this captured time with your customers. Envoi’s Voiceover Solutions provide a professional voice artist to record your greetings and on-hold messages. Add royalty free music to your message for added impact.

Envoi Services Unified Communications

Customer Experience Trends You Should Be Following

Customer Experience Trends You Should Be Following

Customer Experience Trends You Should Be Following

Customer experience can have an enormous impact on whether your customers are happy with the services you offer and loyal to your brand. You should always keep an eye on trends in the space in order to adapt your strategy to the latest industry insights and craft a better customer experience. Here are some trends you should be mindful of:

Customer-centric companies are more profitable

Companies that are customer-centric are around 60% more profitable than other companies that aren’t. This is because they can use customer service as an acquisition as well as a retention tool. If your company has positive online reviews, you can leverage them to attract even more leads. 

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistant software is great for growing companies, and negates some of the pressure of needing a large customer service team by enabling interactive support for struggling users. These virtual assistants can’t replace a human rep however, but they can answer simple questions to save everyone’s time.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is a technology that overlays digital elements on top of the customer’s world through their phone or web camera. It helps a customer visualize the product being offered without having to commit to a purchase. Places like furniture stores, and makeup companies use AR to increase customer experience.

More focus on mobile devices

Over the last few years, there’s been a downward trend in desktop traffic while there’s been an upward trend in mobile traffic. As customers continue to operate through their smartphones more, companies need to invest in mobile service to keep up with customer demand. 

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company here to increase productivity, raise efficiency, and deliver cost savings to your business. Contact us today and learn more about what we can offer you.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

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5 Things to Know Before Choosing a Telecom Provider

5 Things to Know Before Choosing a Telecom Provider

5 Things to Know Before Choosing a Telecom Provider

Searching for the right service provider can be time consuming, confusing, and costly. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. 

While there are many companies that seem to offer similar services, it’s important to do a little research and find the one that is the best for your business. Here are five things you should consider before making your final decision.


Every business runs a little differently from the next. That means each one will require different solutions to their unique circumstances. When you’re searching for a provider, it’s important that you detail exactly what your company needs and see what the provider is offering. Some of the best service providers will work with you and create a tailored approach to suit your needs.

Customer Support

Another aspect you should note is the provider’s customer service. The customer service and support team should be friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive. They should actively try to mitigate any issues, not make things more confusing. 


Before making a definitive choice, you should always check the service provider’s history and experience. Has the provider worked with other companies like yours? Do they offer services that align with your businesses’ current and future goals? With a few poignant questions, you’ll be able to determine if the provider is a right fit for your business.


With today’s cloud based systems, security is more important than ever. You need to have peace of mind knowing that the provider will keep your sensitive information and networks safe. Check to see what the provider offers in terms of preventative security as well. 


Along with experience, having a reliable provider is very important. Your choice in provider is one of the major factors determining if your business communications will run smoothly or not. Likewise with how quickly emergencies issues can be handled. You should trust your provider so that you can focus on growing your business.

At Envoi, we offer superior levels of expertise to organizations in the field of communications and other tactical services. Contact us today and learn more about what we offer.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Envoi EnVoIP Unified Communications VoIP

Your Business Needs Unified Communications

Your Business Needs Unified Communications

Your Business Needs Unified Communications

Take Advantage of the Benefits of Unified Communications

In today’s spread out working climate, team communication is essential for businesses to run smoothly and meet the bottom line.

Now that many companies are opting to work remotely, staff are no longer tied to a desk phone line. Instead more and more people are working on-the-go and are creating opportunities across the country and the world. Without the right technology and communication services, daily business and new ventures might be hindered. 

Unified Communications (UC, or also commonly referred to as UCaaS – Unified Communications as a Service) brings together video and voice calls, messaging, file sharing, and more.

With so many digital platforms to choose from, it can get confusing and costly if you aren’t careful. Unified Communications keeps it simple, making sure employees and clients can collaborate seamlessly. 

UC platforms allow staff to get in touch with each other almost instantly where they can collaborate on projects quickly. Since many platforms also offer smart phone apps, meetings and discussions can happen anywhere and anytime. 

Unified Communications is a cost-effective option and can save companies a substantial amount money. Using the Internet to make calls to someone in another country is a fraction of the price, if not completely free.

Performance & Retention
Unified Communications allows businesses more flexibility and in turn, helps to make your staff’s lives a little easier. Quick communication and streamlined file sharing for projects aren’t just beneficial for productivity, they also help to reduce the turnover rate.

If you’re interested in better communication tools, reach out to the experienced consultants at Envoi to assist you and we can show you the best options for your company.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Envoi EnVoIP Unified Communications VoIP

It’s Time to Switch to VoIP

It’s Time to Switch to VoIP

It’s Time to Switch to VoIP

It’s Time Your Business Should Switch to VoIP

The global pandemic may have made it difficult for your business to communicate with your staff and clients, but there are options to maintain your productivity and efficiency.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the new standard for business calls in the workforce today. As a cloud-based system, VoIP offers many benefits including flexibility and security, and reduced costs.

In today’s world, almost everyone uses some kind of smartphone. A cloud phone system, like VoIP, makes it easy for your staff to switch between using their computers, desk phones, smartphones, or tablets while taking business calls. It’s convenient and helps facilitate better productivity throughout the day, especially with more and more staff working from home. With VoIP it’s like everyone is in the room together.

Today’s Internet use requires businesses to stay up to date with security measures. Cloud-based systems also take security seriously, and help to protect your business information. With these cybersecurity capabilities, you can rest assured that your sensitive information is safe. 

A VoIP system can help your business save money as well. Adding new users to the phone system is easy and inexpensive, and doesn’t require the IT support and maintenance associated with traditional phones.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.

Envoi Unified Communications VoIP

All About Envoi

All About Envoi

All About Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

Envoi Networks is headquartered in Ashburn, Virginia (also known as the Dulles Technology Corridor) where Virginia’s “Data Center Alley” is located and is emerging as the national hub for data storage facilities. As much as 70% of the world’s internet traffic traverses through Ashburn which is located in Loudoun County, one of the fastest growing counties in the vicinity of our Nation’s Capital. It serves as one of the most innovative and technology-focused suburbs of the Washington, DC metropolitan area.  With our presence in this topography and our n+1 redundant network infrastructure, we are able to offer our customers a service uptime guaranty of up to 99.999%.

Our offices and data center facilities are strategically located within the premier Equinix Data Center which is the original hub and birthplace of the internet as we know it. The first UUNet facility, which was a key hub in MAE-East and the Internet’s first major interconnection point is located in Ashburn and is the home to Amazon Web Services, Verizon Business, and DuPont Fabros Data Centers. Many more facilities are continuing to make their home here including Raging Wire, Cyrus One, and Digital Realty.

Envoi Network’s presence in the Equinix Data Center facility, which peers IP traffic to over 90% of the world’s Internet routes and their Internet Exchanges (IXs) route Internet traffic between 1,000+ telecommunications networks worldwide, gives us the ability to manage mission-critical cloud operations to meet your everyday needs.

We offer superior levels of expertise to organizations in the field of communications and provide other tactical services through our technology partners. Our customized solutions are designed to transparently integrate into all environments, from a small office to a large-scale enterprise. Envoi Networks was formed through the collaboration of real-world business needs and leading edge technology. As a result, we comprehend the need to present solutions that are compatible with your financial resources, are simple to implement and are scalable to your growing needs. We look forward to the opportunity of demonstrating how Envoi Networks can improve your advanced technology needs.

From the start, our focus has been on building lasting partnerships, facilitating communications across multiple formats & networks, and delivering the tools businesses need to succeed. If you need a better communication solution for your organization, let’s talk.


We work around your business. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow.  As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Our mission is simple:
To deliver the most reliable and practical telecom, faxing, internet connectivity and other technology solutions to help our clients improve quality, efficiency, and business profitability in order to make technology an asset for their organization and not a problem.


We answer our phone.
You will always be able to reach us during business hours and after hour emergency numbers will be available.

 We listen to our customers.
We understand the need for our customers to be heard and understood. We will pay attention and give appropriate and timely responses. When suggestions are made, we will evaluate and implement them.

 We strive to be helpful at all times – even if there’s no immediate profit.
We believe that business is not merely for the short-term or simply about profits but more importantly it is about the relationships that are built along the way which become our company assets.

We go the extra mile. 
We will not only present you the best solutions available, but we promise to guide you and answer any questions you may have in order to help you come up with the best solution based on your needs and budget.

We do not make promises we cannot keep.
Reliability is one of the keys to a successful relationship and in customer service, there is no exception.

We deal with problems & complaints.
If mistakes or misunderstandings occur, we will promise to give the necessary time and attention to resolve them right away.

We train our staff to ALWAYS be helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable.  
We will give our staff proper training, information and authority to enable them to properly take care of our customers’ every need.

For MORE about Envoi

Envoi Networks, Inc. is a premier communications & technology company located in the Northern Virginia area, offering Cloud Telephony & Faxing, Internet Data Connectivity Services, Unified Communications and other technology related services to all types of organizations. Our goal is to offer solutions that will increase productivity, raise efficiency and deliver cost savings to our customers.

If you are not already experiencing the benefits of working with Envoi Networks, please reach out to us by phone 888-978-9464, by email at info@envoi.com, or utilize our simple quote form on this page.

Get a Free Quote

Envoi Networks is pleased to offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes for business class phone service and systems, along with an array of other communications services. Please provide your contact information below, and one of our experts will contact you to get your quote done right away.